Your Data is Important: Back it up

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Your computer is full of data. They not are just work related but also family pictures, selected music, financial documents and other personal stuff that you might not use on a regular basis but still need it from time to time. According to a report released by National Cyber Security Alliance, approximately 68% Americans keep their photos and personal files digitally. The loss or theft of any such information is devastating.

You must always possess a duplicate copy of your data that is crucial to you saved in a remote location. When you have all your necessary files on your PC, laptop or any other mobile storage gadget, it is vulnerable. Have you ever planned what will happen to all your data if anything happens with your computer?

There are num1erous ways files can be lost

Theft: Theft of data online or theft of your device. Anyways, the theft of data can lead to a devastating blow to you be it financially or emotionally.

Virus Infection: Cybercrime has been and still is on the rise. If you access the internet with your device, you are bound to attract and be affected by some virus or the other. To save your device from these virus attacks, you need to be careful about the kind of content you see and visit online.

Computer crashes: There are various instances when either due to hardware or software failure the system crashes. When the computer mends or software restored it has a negative impact on the data present on your system.

Hard drive failure: Hard drive is the best place where you store all your required files and data. When the hard disk crashes due to some technical failure, all the data stored in it is also erased. It is very rarely possible to recover the data from a crashed hard disk.
Physical computer damage: When there is physical damage to your computer, the data stored in it remains unharmed. But accessing that data becomes difficult if any storage device is physically harmed or destroyed.


How to save your data?2

Cloud sync: Having a new hardware is a hassle, why not to opt for an online backup services that are available easily against a monthly fee. Most security software also provides similar service when you subscribe to them. This service is very secure and user-friendly. Here you can backup files on a secure server that are stored in a remote


location. These data can be accessed later from anywhere over the Internet.

3Pen Drive /Storage device: If you store family photos, music albums or pdf books, instead of utilizing space on your computer’s hard disk use an external hard drive. They are easy to plug, carry and use. Also, copying these files are easier through these drives.

Antivirus are recommended to be active in your system if you attach different external drives to it or browse the internet on it. It acts as a first line of defense against any virus/malware attack.

Extra recovery drive on your PC: An extra recovery part or backup of data can be made and stored on your system. Some laptops like those of Dell and Hp come with one touch recovery option as well.