Chapter 2 – Easy Tips to Fix issues while Installing Windows 10

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win 10 install

Continuing from where we left off, in the last blog we started by discussing installation errors that most of the users face when they try to update their Windows OS to Windows 10 via the free upgrade on the notification panel or through USB. The installation errors that were discussed in it include:

  • Pop up for product key.
  • Unusual behavior or non responsive of Installer.
  • Alpha numeric errors faced when trying to upgrade the OS. The errors that most users encountered were 0x80070005-0x90002, 0x20004, 0x30018, 0xC1900101-0x20017, or any other on the similar line.

There were few more installation related issues that I had to face with different PCs. So, if the problem you faced was not on my last blog, then I hope this blog might help you to resolve your upgradation issue.


Even Microsoft has accepted the nuisance that the launched OS created when users try to upgrade their present OS. If they try upgrading through the Windows auto upgrade option that appears on your taskbar’s notification icon or as a small pop-up on the lower-right side on the screen. If you too face the problem, then follow these steps and your problem will be resolved for good.

win 10 free upgrade

Step 1: Before you try to upgrade your OS to Windows 10, register the product key of your device to make the installed window on the system genuine.

Step 2: Once your Windows 7 or 8.1 becomes genuine then do an in-place update of the OS.

Step 3: The in-place update register the OS and device of Microsoft’s database.

Step 4: Then upgrade your present OS to Windows 10 from either the Toolbar notification or through a USB device. However, the USB option is much more easier and convenient.

PC Owner Dilemma?

who own this pc

This issue is generally faced by users who try to upgrade their OS to Windows Pro. Most people are perplexed about which option to opt as they are unaware about the ramification of the choices. If you click on “My organization,” Microsoft registers your PC to Azure AD or to a domain whereas by clicking on the “I do” option, you can link your Microsoft account, however, the option to join a domain, then becomes manual. Furthermore, switching the Microsoft account later is a tedious process. You can know more about the pop-up and “Office 365 account” in this technical discussion forum.

Driver Issues

driver issue in win 10

The driver issue was associated with all the past Windows OS as well. Unlike Windows 7, where you used to get a CD to install all the drivers in a single go, Windows 10 drivers get installed as you upgrade the OS but their functionality may disturb after reboot. If you face the same trouble just follow the steps mentioned on Microsoft’s website which you can read here.

For account and start menu related installation problems and solutions, check our next blog.